The Dragonfly Door

Thank you for visiting. I wrote and published The Dragonfly Door in 2007 because discussing loss at any age can be difficult. How do you find the right words to comfort a child, friend, spouse, or other grieving relative? In this story, my challenge was to characterize and normalize the unique feelings of loss and to show what those feelings might look like through the eyes of Nym. The result is a unique take on the dragonfly's lifecycle, taking children and adults on an emotional journey, beautifully illustrated by Barbara Leonard Gibson. Don't miss this opportunity to share your views on life and death and to listen to the comments from young minds after hearing the story. -- John Adams
Awards: Mom's Choice Awards, Benjamin Franklin Award, and Evelyn Thurman Award
Community: The story has been adapted into theatrical performances in various communities to help children cope with the loss of their classmates
Publisher: Stone Ink Press was originally Feather Rock Books, Inc.